Legal notice

INFORMATION ET ALCOOL Baron Philippe de Rothschild Maip…


Baron Philippe de Rothschild Maipo Chile SpA maintains this website for the personal use, in countries where the consumption of alcoholic beverages is lawful, of persons who are lawfully permitted to consume alcoholic beverages.


Baron Philippe de Rothschild Maipo Chile SpA is sole owner of the logos, copyright and other intellectual and industrial property rights used in its site. The company may take legal action against any third party that uses some or all of those rights without prior authorization.
This site is published by Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA. It is hosted by Systonic – Bâtiment Canopée Parc Amperis – 6 rue Adrienne Bolland – 33600 Pessac.


The trade marks and logos that appear in the site are the property of Baron Philippe de Rothschild Maipo Chile SpA and may not be used for advertising purposes without the owner’s prior written consent. Total or partial reproduction of the site, in France or in other countries, is strictly forbidden under current laws on intellectual and artistic property.


When you visit the site, a cookie may be automatically installed in your browser. The cookie cannot identify the user but is used to store information about the user’s browsing history on the site.
Browsers can be configured to signal the presence of a cookie and to refuse it, should the user so wish.


Any information whatsoever concerning Baron Philippe de Rothschild Maipo Chile SpA that may be found on the internet outside our site has been transmitted without our permission or control. The company therefore incurs no liability with regard to such information.
Baron Philippe de Rothschild Maipo Chile SpA gives no undertaking concerning any other site to which you may gain access via the Escudo Rojo site, has no control over the content of such sites and incurs no liability in connection therewith.
Baron Philippe de Rothschild Maipo Chile SpA may not under any circumstances be held liable for any direct, indirect or specific damage resulting from use of this website or other linked sites, including in particular for any financial or commercial prejudice or loss of programs or data in your information system, even if Baron Philippe de Rothschild Maipo Chile SpA was aware of the possibility of such damage.


Systonic – Bâtiment Canopée Parc Amperis – 6 rue Adrienne Bolland – 33600 Pessac

Agence Bespoke – 9 Place Marie-Jeanne Bassot – 92300 Levallois-Perret
Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A.

Photos :
Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A.